Friday, 16 December 2016

Why Concert Insurance Should Be Your First Priority?

Concerts are very important to music bands. The audience looks out for concerts where they can hear their favorite musicians play live. Concerts are more like huge events with a large star cast, and a lot of equipment on board. You can simply call concerts an expensive event, as the investment in everything right from creating the stage to actually hiring the backstage people to the musicians, their costumes and the musical instrument, everything is pretty expensive in here. When you are getting started with something this expensive, you may want to consider insuring the different components of the concert, so that you can be saved from the cost that you may have to bear in case there is an accident or theft that occurs.

Issues You May Face
When having a concert, you may first want to make a list of all the issues that you are likely to face. There will be a few things that you may miss out when drawing the insurance, so here’s our checklist for you.

  • When a concert is on, the bands and the back stage artists and all the instruments travel in the transport arranged by the organizers to the place of the event. Chances of bus breakdown or, and accident are high. It is important to possess an insurance that can take care of the expenses that the event is likely to be bogged down by.
  • In case the vehicle is damaged or, one or more people are hurt, the expenses will be compensated by the insurance. This also takes care of the losses that the event may incur owing to delayed arrival of the bands at the concert
  • The music instruments can also be damaged during transit, and it is the concert insurance that takes care of this damage expense too
  • Apart from the band, there is the stage and the crowd that needs to be insured too
  • Crowd control is a massive task for the concert organizers, and in case some of the barriers put up fail to prevent the crowd, it can lead to accidents, which may be compensated with the concert insurance
  • Similarly, in case the stage breaks down or, some mishap occurs, it is the insurance that helps cover the losses.

Types of Insurance

  • Personal or professional liability insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Event cancellation insurance
  • Property or equipment insurance
  • Vehicle and travel insurance
  • Medical insurance
  • Speciality insurance

These are the major insurance covers that you get with the appropriate event insurance that you have acquired. Right from compensating for personal or professional losses to compensating for event cancellation, it takes care of every aspect of the concert. So, protecting your event with the right insurance is very essential, which is why you need an experienced insurance provider by your side. Their expertise in the subject will help understand all your requirements, and will help you arrive at the right solution.

So, get the right concert insurance for your event, and safeguard it against losses and security threats.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Choose the Appropriate Clarinet Insurance with an Expert Provider

Clarinet, a single reed woodwinds instrument is yet another important element of the orchestra. It is a beautiful, cylindrical shaped instrument, that looks like trumpet but is a bass lower than the trumpet. As beautiful as it is, the clarinet is particularly precious and needs to be handled with care. There are some precautions that you ought to take when carrying the clarinet to an orchestra or when traveling with it overseas. Even when at home, you will need to make sure the clarinet is well maintained and kept in a protected environment.

Precautions You Should Take

There are certain precautions that you must necessarily take with a clarinet, so that you can maintain it and keep it unscathed
  • LIt should be placed in a protective environment, so that the heat or cold environment does not really affect the instrument
  • Make sure there is a case to keep the instrument in, so that it remains unscathed
  • When traveling with the clarinet, you will need to make sure it is in a case that protects it from temperature and humidity
  • Traveling by air, then you should make sure you carry your instrument in the hand baggage so that it remains protected
  • Maintenance is another important aspect for the well-being of clarinet. Make sure you take good care of the instrument. Clean the instrument on a regular basis, so that you can keep it going for a long time
  • Use the cleaner that was suggested when you went to buy the instrument. Get an instrument maintenance person to take a look at your clarinet periodically, so that you are aware of how the instrument functions
  • Don't forget to invest in clarinet insurance so that you can prevent the losses you may occur in case it was stolen or damaged.
Why Insurance is Important?

Investing in clarinet insurance is very important for you as a musician. There could be several incidents costing you a dime, which you can avoid if your instrument is insured. For example, when traveling if the instrument falls and breaks, you might want to get it replaced. Instead of spending on the replacement, you may want to get it compensated with the apt insurance.

Similarly, if you are an instructor who teaches clarinet, you may value your instrument, the home studio and your health. In case there is an issue in any of these departments, then you might want to get it sorted with the ideal insurance.

You may lose a pay day if you fall sick and are unable to teach your students. That's why you need an insurance cover from an expert provider. An excellent team that provides customer service, attends to your needs and helps resolve claims in hassle-free manner is all you need to get rid of the losses accidents or other issues can cause. You will need to find one that is experienced, and can understand the audience pulse, thus recommending the ideal insurance. It is important to partner with an expert and experienced insurance provider to get apt musical instrument insurance.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Does an Independent Instructor Require Music Instructor Insurance?

As a musician, you could be playing, creating, or teaching music. It is your passion that you want to transfer into others, and probably this is also your source of income. The debate remains should you opt for a music instructor insurance? The answer is yes, and here we will discuss the reasons for the affirmative answer.

Reasons for Insurance

  • If you are the sole bread winner of your family, and you happen to meet with an accident, how do you believe you can compensate for the loss? It is possible you will not be able to teach your students in future or, there could be a loss for the period you are not performing. An insurance can help you compensate this loss
  • If due to natural calamity or some other reason, you are unable to go on with your work, then you need an insurance that will take care of these losses
  • If you are into teaching instruments, then you may need insurance to get your instruments covered against damage or theft while in transit or at home
  • If you visit your student or, your student visits you, in case some incident happens that involves your student getting hurt, you need insurance to cover the loss

There are many such reasons that lead to the need of insurance for you as an independent music instrument.

What the Insurance Covers?

  • Your property, from where you are operating as an instructor, will be covered under this insurance. In case somebody breaks into your property or, causes damage, then you are liable for insurance compensation. While the homeowners policy does cover everything majorly, it will take a custom insurance to actually look into personalizing the whole cover for you
  • If you are not working solo, and have employed people in your studio in the position of an instructor, then you will need to cover them as well with a proper insurance. You will need worker’s compensation as part of the insurance you have chosen. This will help you compensate the losses a worker faces in case of accident or other calamity. In the light of tightened clauses for employee contracts, you will need to ensure your insurance covers this
  • Instead of getting a separate life insurance, you can get the instructor insurance which covers your life as well. In case something happens to you, this insurance will provide for your family. It is important in these modern times
  • This insurance also covers for disability and health of the instructor. These are covers that you normally don’t go for, but must consider. It is important if you want to survive in the world as a musician
  • Finally, the instrument liability is also covered under this insurance, which helps you pocket fewer repair and other damage costs for the insurance

If you are an independent music teacher or run a company, this is must-have insurance for you. To get the apt music instructor insurance, get in touch with all the providers, compare quotes and finalize the provider who suits your needs.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Why Compare Insurances Before Purchasing the Apt Piccolo Insurance

For a musician, good music is the ultimate goal. You will find them putting in their best efforts to create good music, which comes in the way of making them survive all odds. Ask a musician, how have they planned to safeguard their music from getting stolen, their instruments from getting damaged and their home studio from calamities? They may not have an answer to that. The reason is, most often they don’t realize the importance of insurance till they don’t face a situation that has led to losses.

Like a motor or health insurance, your musical instrument also needs to be safeguarded with the apt insurance. Most orchestras feel incomplete without the Piccolo, which assists the flute and violin, thus taking the music notes an octane higher, creating a beautiful surround. Piccolos are made of various materials that include brass, plastic, resin etc. giving out the best musical piece ever. While the materials are good, the Piccolo is a light and aesthetic piece, which is why musicians need to keep it protected.

The chances of the Piccolo getting damaged when in transit are high, and what if the brass made Piccolo is stolen? You will face more damage than you can think of. This is why you need a Piccolo insurance that can keep the instrument safe from damage and theft.

While it is important to buy the insurance, it is equally necessary to ensure the insurance is worthy of the premium you are planning to invest. There are numerous companies selling instrument insurance, which is why you need to think through what these companies are offering before you invest in one.

Spend some time researching the whole insurance segment and understand what types of instrument insurance are available, and what suits your needs the best. Here are a few things that you may want to take into account while calling for the right insurance for your Piccolo.
  • When you are comparing insurance from various companies, check the premium they are asking for? This is a major concern when you are seeking for the instrument insurance. Valuate your instrument, and get the insurance premium marked at the instrument value
  • If you are a traveling musician, you need to know if the insurance is valid worldwide. If your insurance is not valid in a country you are traveling to, then you may need to rethink your insurance plan. You need something that is globally recognized
  • Are you tech-savvy? Do you use mixer and computer along with your instrument? Then you need to fix that in your insurance as well. Make sure all you gadgets are covered in the insurance you are seeking, else look for one that has them covered.
  • Insurance should cover all the rented instruments too. If it does not, then you will need to choose one that includes borrowed instruments too. Otherwise, the instruments on rent can cause a dent in your pocket
  • Does the insurance include inflation, and cause automatic adjustments to the premium? Is your instrument insured against natural disasters?

When you are comparing your Piccolo insurance, all these factors need to be taken into consideration. A insurance solution provider who covers all these aspects should be considered, and then the process of transforming your requirement into a solution needs to be processed.