Thursday, 19 September 2019

Why Do Independent Music Instructor Require Insurance

Being a music teacher is wow. It allows you to connect with your students through music while making a living and honing your skills. And, when you do something you love, the feeling is just excellent. So, being a music teacher is more like one of the best professions. Well, apparently it is.

However, no profession is risk-free. Every business comes with a catch. And, being a musician is no different. After all, you cannot guarantee that everything will run smoothly forever. The good part is - where there is a problem, there is a solution. For the possible concerns that a musician can suffer, there is Music Instructor Insurance.

What could actually go wrong? Have you been thinking this for long? Well, quite a number of things, unfortunately. And, it’s not just a horrible concert accident costing you a significant amount of money. 

Kids and mishaps go hand-in-hand

When kids are around, mishaps need no excuse to happen.

What if one of your little students gets her legs tangled in a chord? What if an electric guitar falls on them? And, if your students are somehow injured, a compensation claim can bother you easily.

You are teaching at a student’s home. What if you become the reason behind damaging their property? Say you spilled a glass of lemonade over an expensive keyboard damaging the motherboard? Or your violin’s bow knocked down a designer showpiece?

No matter what, the bottom line is, if you have injured someone or damaged their property, compensation claims are more likely to come. And, when there is a compensation claim, you have to face it. 

This is where a Teacher Tutor Insurance covering public liability comes into play. It gets you the legal help to manage a claim. Compensation claims can be expensive and time-consuming. And, a public liability cover saves you from breaking your bank while saving you valuable time. Plus, it’s a sign of professionalism. Moreover, for running a tuition business, a public liability cover is probably a much-needed eligibility criterion.

Protect your instruments

A musician’s livelihood depends a lot on his or her instruments and accessories. Unfortunately, if your instrument gets damaged or goes missing, it is more likely to hit your livelihood. Repairing costs too can burn holes in your pocket.

Possibilities are that your homeowner’s insurance covers your instruments. However, it might not cover using your equipment for business purposes. In fact, many homeowners’ plans don’t. Therefore, it’s wise to go for all-encompassing Music Instructor Insurance from the very beginning.

Musical instrument insurance pays for the repair or replacement cost if something happens to your instruments if you’re home, someplace else, and on-the-go.

Protect your haven, your studio/class

Under some worst-case scenarios, the facility where you teach music can be destroyed in an accident, leaving you indebted with worlds of financial liabilities. A reliable insurance service provider offers comprehensive insurance plans that protect you against all liabilities. Plus, it also protects you against possible risks that can get you bed-ridden making to unable to work.

If you earn your livelihood from music, you can better understand that not being able to perform or teach can wreak havoc on your life, both financially and emotionally. Therefore, it is highly recommended to all musicians, no matter how big or small, experienced or amateur, to get a suitable Music Instructor Insurance plan right away.

Taking music teacher insurance is wise

Always remember, at the end of the day, we are all humans, and we make mistakes. You might break your gear accidentally or leave it in a cab just like that. Someone can steal your thing or intentionally damage it. What will you do then? Quit the profession, cry your heart out, or buy a new one?

Quitting and crying are your choices. If you want, you can always do that. However, as far as buying a new gear is concerned, these are expensive, and not everyone can afford to get a new one. Even if you can afford, don’t you think that getting enough insurance cover would be a wise decision instead of shelling out a fortune? 

A Teacher Tutor Insurance takes care of both - the costs involved and the processes without having to compromise on doing business.

Take a sigh of relief with a responsible insurance service provider

If you look for insurance companies in your state, the list would be endless. This is why you need to be very careful while selecting a service provider. With the right music teacher insurance from a reliable service provider, you are in safe hands.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Clarinet Insurance – Something that Every Clarinetist Should Count On

If you a clarinetist, you know the actual worth of your gear. You know that nothing could ever replace its place in your life. The clarinet is one of those versatile musical instruments that suit the needs of various musical genres. Be it a Jazz Combo or Baroque Concerto, whether you are a solo player or the lead clarinetist of an orchestra, your clarinet probably means a world to you. However, have you insured your instrument against the possible risks, such as theft, damage, or loss? If not, then make sure to get a suitable Clarinet Insurance, right away!

Get enough financial protection for your clarinet

While you are touring or rehearsing, the last thing on the earth you would want to face is the fear of losing your clarinet, right? However, such incidents do happen more often than you think. What if you left your gear unattended and later on found that it’s gone missing? What if someone broke into your vanity van and tampered with your clarinet seconds before your performance?

The right musical instrument insurance protects your gear against the unwanted and unforeseen. Although nothing can replace the emotional bond between you and your instrument, you can at least get proper financial protection. Plus, it not only pays for the repairing costs but assistance in getting a new instrument against the damaged, lost, or stolen ones.

Get a dedicated cover for your gear

Many musicians think that their business or home insurance policies will offer coverage to their musical instruments. However, unfortunately, that’s not the case all the time. Therefore, you should get a dedicated cover for your musical instruments. Musician-centric insurance policies are specifically designed according to the unique needs of musicians and cover a whole lot of things and aspects. So, whether you own a vintage or an ultra-modern instrument, a comprehensive musical instrument plan is something, you should not ignore.

The ‘Wow’ factors of a dedicated insurance plan for musicians

What if someone is accidentally injured while you are performing?

What if you lost or damaged your instrument while touring?

Musical instrument insurance with a customer-centric insurance service provider covers you no matter where on the planet you go. Yes, here worldwide coverage is being talked about. Hence, you can take a sigh of relief while touring.

What more do you get?

Do you perform for a live audience? If so, then you should get yourself a public liability music insurance. The reason – most of the venues need you to have proper insurance cover in order to perform. Plus, liability coverage also protects you if someone is accidentally injured by you during your performance.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, with a reliable service provider, you can avail of other benefits too. It includes – coverage for newly acquired musical instruments, coverage for borrowed and replacement instruments, right to repurchase, and so on.

Give the highest level of protection to your gear

Clarinets and other musical instruments are prone to damage. Even a minor accident can cause huge damage to them. Therefore, they need the best possible protection that only an all-encompassing musical instrument cover can offer.

Get the perfect cover for your clarinet

Owing to the increased importance of musical instrument policies these days, you will have ample options to choose from. However, you need to choose a reliable insurance service provider to avail on-time and proper coverage. Otherwise, you might end up landing in rough waters.

So, before zeroing in on an insurance company, make sure to do a good amount of research about the insurers you are considering and choose the one you find is good for you. You can also ask your peers or go online to gather sufficient information about the service providers operating in your state. Be an informed buyer and choose a company that can live up to your expectations and needs.

For a musician, music and the musical instrument is everything. And, only a right Clarinet Insurance can offer proper protection.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Protect Your Event with Concert Insurance

Is a musical concert around the corner? If so, then you might be busy with the preparations. Right from venue selection to the reservation, event marketing, tickets, stage preparation, and everything else might be running with full-on energy, right? However, do you have your Concert Insurance handy? Why on the Earth will you need insurance for a concert? If you are still not aware of such insurance, similar types of questions might be spinning inside your head. Read on!

Emergencies always come uninvited

A concert in the town means the crazy fans going gaga waiting for it, and the event managers working heart and soul to make the event a success. The zeal and gusto of the performers also voyage to cloud number nine as the Showtime approaches. And, finally, when the day comes, and the loose-ends are being wrapped-up like this quick, you never know an emergency might be waiting for you on the other side of the arrangements.

What if the lead guitarists or singer gets down with a fever? What if a crew member gets severely injured while setting up the stage? What if a rowdy group of fans vandalizes the venue while creating heavy damage?

Hence, you need the protection of a comprehensive Event Insurance coverage plan.

Possible mishaps that could ruin everything

Mishaps during an event are not new. We have many instances from the past that elucidate how emergencies can ruin an entire concert and the investments. Here we have collected some of those incidents. Let’s take a quick look –

• Stage-fall risks – Greg Ladanyi, a Veteran and GRAMMY-winning record producer died in a touring accident in Cyprus after sustaining serious head injury following an accident, on-stage.
• Stage-collapse accidents – 7 people were declared dead and 40 got injured following a stage-collapse accident at the Indiana State Fair in the year 2011.
• Audience-associated risks – More than 100 people died and over 200 got injured due to a pyrotechnic explosion at the Great White show in Rhode Island in the year 2003.
• Equipment malfunction risks – Joana Sainz GarcĂ­a, a Spanish pop star, was pronounced dead due to pyrotechnic malfunction on 2nd September 2019.

Being covered under the right event liability insurance plan might not bring back the departed souls; it can definitely provide you with enough personal financial strength to overcome the loss.

What does concert insurance do?

When it comes to a concert, there could be a number of risks associated. A suitable insurance policy can help you in many ways –

• It provides you with peace of mind.
• It protects you, your equipment and instruments, the crew members, and your audience from any unforeseen situation.
• You can either go for insurance per concert or annually. So, you have the freedom to choose the type and term of protection you want.

What is event liability insurance?

Concert coverage plans comprise several types of policies that offer risk protection to the performers, event managers, equipment, and venue. An event liability cover offers protection to the insured in case of any physical injuries or property damage to the third-party. It will also payout for the claims and shield you against any lawsuits.

How much does the event insurance plan cost?

With a reliable and customer-oriented insurance service provider, the benefits you get from an insurance plan outweigh the price of the same. However, basically, the cost of a plan depends upon many concerning factors like the extent of coverage, comprehensive coverage, third-party liability cover, no-claim bonus, cancellation, and many others. So, before you choose any plan, make sure to note down the areas you want coverage for, and then decided on the type you want to buy.

With a good Concert Insurance provider, you are more likely to the best customer assistance that will help you fix a suitable deal. They have a dedicated team of professionals to provide their clients with the best possible service and assistance.