Friday, 29 April 2022

How to Make a Claim with Bassoon Insurance?

Your search for how to make claim insurance for bassoon ends here. Like taking insurance for expensive musical instruments like bassoon, it is also essential to know how to make claims for them. The beautiful bassoon musical instrument is one of the most expensive musical instruments as a new one may cost you from 4,000 to 20,000 dollars. Many factors could affect your claim, which could spoil the entire purpose of insuring the musical instruments. It will make the premium payments made for the insurance unable to claim and cause many hardships. You may not be able to replace the insured instrument or get the full value for it.

So, check out the tips to make a claim for bassoon insurance to overcome any hassles of getting it fast and easy.

Why is bassoon insurance essential?

If you have the passion for music to have musical instruments like bassoon, you should also know the importance of insuring it. You may be a professional musician, a learner, or a collector to have the bassoon musical instrument. It is a woodwind instrument of the double reed family playing in the bass and tenor ranges. It is expensive because of its six distinctive parts and unique color, design, and being played in concert-based and orchestral bands. Hence, it is essential to ensure that any damage or theft could help you reclaim its full value. A home or car insurance is not enough to claim the full value and needs customized insurance.  

How to claim with Bassoon insurance?

Knowing how to claim insurance for a bassoon is as important as taking insurance for it. It is vital to know that it is possible to claim insurance only if it is proved that the damage or theft is not by negligence. If the insurance company finds that the damage or theft is because of negligence and not safeguarding the musical instrument, it is hard to claim it. Hence you need to take all precautionary steps to ensure the safety of the musical instrument to get the claim for it. No one knows when you will be claiming the insured bassoon. Because even if you are cautious and take all precautions for safeguarding your bassoon, damages or theft may happen. Musical instrument theft has increased in recent years, and damaging the instrument happens frequently.

10 top tips for claiming with bassoon insurance

Losing or damaging a bassoon could be a nightmare if you are a musician, as you will be left high and dry to not perform in the next show or concert or orchestra. Even if you are a learner or collector, it causes monetary and emotional loss. Only by insuring it with the best musical insurance company can give you the peace of mind of getting a replacement bassoon for the lost or damaged one. But making the insurance claim for bassoon is easier said than done, and the following tips can help you do it quickly.

1.    Keep the records of bassoon like the purchase bill, brand, model, serial number, and others ready to produce it to the insurance company for a fast claim of it.

2.    Make sure to take photographs of the bassoon periodically to show proof of its condition and value for claiming the full value.

3.    Get an appraisal certificate mentioning its current value, which is more or less the insured amount, not to get a lesser claim amount.

4.    Take precautions to keep the bassoon safe at home, during concerts, and while carrying them in the car or other transportation.

5.    Report the bassoon theft to the jurisdictional police authorities to record it for catching the thief and recovering the instrument

6.    Post the theft information on the social media and also inform the music, pawn, and repair shops to reduce the chances of the stolen bassoon not changing hands

7.    Inform the lost or damaged bassoon to the insurance company, which may have a deadline of a few days for doing it, and any delay may not be able to claim it.

8.    If you need to repair the bassoon, you can claim the repair amount not exceeding the insured amount.

9.    If the bassoon is beyond repair or lost, you can claim the insured amount to buy a new or old musical instrument of the same value.

10.    If you are a musician and take a rental bassoon for a gig or concert until your instrument gets repaired, you can claim the rent for it.

The above facts and tips will surely help you know how to claim with bassoon insurance quickly and easily.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Know About the Instrument Theft Protection and Flute Insurance Role

You have come to the right place to know about musical instrument theft protection and the role of insurance in it. There has been an increase in instrument theft worldwide in recent years, requiring its protection. If you are a professional musician, learner, or collect musical instruments, you should keep them safe because stats confirm that the recovery rate of stolen musical instruments is less globally.

In addition, authorities do not know much about the total value of musical instruments like the flute. In addition, the lack of storage spaces for these musical instruments and issues with identifying them make a recovery nearly impossible. Hence, you must ensure your musical instruments and keep records of them safe for claiming their total value.

So, check out the instrument theft protection and flute insurance role to incur the loss of money and the soul attachment to the musical instruments.

What is instrument theft protection?

Musicians who depend their livelihood on musical instruments invest more money in buying the best of them. Moreover, those having bands need to have the musical instruments handy for conducting gigs, shows, concerts, etc. In addition, learners who have a passion for music buy musical instruments. Moreover, those who collect it as a hobby or to show their interest in music need to safeguard their instruments.

Hence, the collective term instrument theft protection is for all those with musical instruments to take appropriate steps to protect them. Though ensuring the home or the car will cover the music instruments, you may not get the total value in the claims. Only customized insurance for musical instruments specializing in them will enable you to get the total value.  

Why is instrument theft protection essential?

Taking insurance is vital in this uncertain world where anything can happen. Now, there are more chances for musical instruments to get stolen from the home, in vans or cars, and at places of conducting gigs, shows, and others. Knowing the psychology of the criminals can provide the best instrument theft protection.

There are three factors for the theft of musical instruments to occur. One is the motivated offender, high level of opportunity, and low level of deterrence. Moreover, the best way to avoid such theft by motivated offenders is to reduce the opportunity and increase the deterrence levels.

Hence remaining safe and letting others know it will reduce the opportunity, and instilling fear or doubt will increase the deterrence of the motivated offenders to steal the musical instruments.

What is the need for instrument theft protection?

There are tangible and intangible aspects of losing the musical instruments to theft or damage. Musicians and others buy musical instruments investing much money and emotion in working relationships. The tangible losses are the financial losses incurred by losing the musical instruments, and the intangible loss is the emotional attachment to them. Moreover, there are fewer chances for recovering it as most of them change hands fast for far less the value of the musical instruments. Hence, if you have a musical instrument, you should insure it and have the proper instrument theft protection irrespective of its monetary value.

What is the role of flute insurance in instrument theft protection?

The role of insurance in instrument theft protection is vital as it recovers the losses because of damage or theft of them. Getting the total value from others is challenging without taking customized insurance for musical instruments, like home or car insurance. Moreover, it will put musicians who depend on the musical instrument for a living in hardship, as they have to buy a new one for their next show.

Hence, only the best insurance company can provide the right cover for the musical instrument and the total value in the claim in case of damaging or losing them. However, it is for you to keep all the records of the musical instrument intact and ready to submit them for claims. In addition, it is essential to file a complaint with the police authorities and show a copy of it to the insurance company.  


The above facts will surely help you know about the instrument theft protection and flute insurance role to be safe and not incur any loss. Insuring the musical instrument will give peace of mind as you can claim the total value to buy it new to continue your passion for music.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

The Difference Between Oboe and Flute and Why Insure It

You are in the right place to know the difference between oboe and flute and why to insure it. They both belong to the woodwind family of musical instruments because they are made of wood, but now, they are made of metal, plastic, and other material combinations. Though flute and oboe are musical instruments of the same woodwind family, they have more differences than similarities. The differences include the colour, construction material, key work, tone, shape, sound quality, playing position, etc. Though the flute has existed from the prehistoric period for thousands of years, many believe the oboe exists from the antiquity era. Also, the significant difference between the two is the material used to make the flute and oboe, which makes it essential for taking oboe insurance. Because for making expensive oboes, mostly grenadilla wood known as African Blackwood gets used with the keys made of metals like silver-plated brass.

So, check out the significant differences between oboe and flute and why insure it for claiming its costs in case of losing it. 

11 top differences between oboe and flute

From materials used to make them to the size, shape, keys, and history, there are many differences between the oboe and flute that include, among others.

1.    Professional players use silver flutes with gold in the mouthpiece lip rest joint, whereas grenadilla wood, known as African Blackwood, gets used for making oboe with silver-plated brass keys.

2.     Though flutes and bores are 26 inches, long flutes are made of the cylindrical bore, while oboes have conical bores.

3.    Flutes with head joints get played parallel to the ground, while oboes have double reeds placed in the instrument directly to play perpendicular to the ground.

4.    Though flute and oboe are treble clef instruments found in the key C, with both having almost the range of three octaves, the flute's timbre is mellow, light, and sweet, whereas that of the oboe is colourful, singing, and nasal.  

5.    The flute sound is shrill, with the lowest octave being quite full, while the oboe can pierce through the sound of an entire ensemble.

6.    The flute has no reed to play but has a lip plate on the head joint for blowing airstream to make sound, and the oboe has a double reed which are two cane pieces to vibrate against each other to make the sound.

7.    Though both the instruments are hard to learn, the level for learning oboe needs a lot of patience, practice, and resilience to master the embouchure and tuning, which takes time.

8.    The history of the two instruments is another significant difference as flutes exist from the prehistoric period dating back to thousands of years. In contrast, flutes existed from the antiquity era, and the first instrument many believe to exist was in 1647 in the Louis XIV court.

9.    Because of its long history, flutes have many availability of experts to teach while it is less for teaching oboe as it is relatively a new music instrument.

10.    As for maintenance, flutes are easy to repair even in the local music instrument repair shop compared to the delicate and complicated oboe, which needs specialists as it is expensive.

11.    Though the exact number of keys in flute and oboe depends on the model and grade, flutes have 12 keys, and oboes have 22 holes, normally.

Why insure oboe, flute, and other musical instruments?

If you have a passion for music and its instruments, you will surely know their value. Apart from the thousands of dollars cost of many musical instruments, a few heritage ones cost even millions. Also, many have close attachments with their musical instruments to treat them more than their value. But for others, it is only a simple musical instrument, and they do not take it seriously. Hence those stealing it may sell it for a meager few dollar, and the authorities do not take the theft seriously. Hence you need the best oboe insurance as the instruments cost around 4,000 dollars and the old ones around 3,000 dollars. Hence, do not leave it to cover under the home insurance and take customized insurance from the best insurance company like Clarion Insurance. Inc will help claim the high amounts rather than get a few hundred dollars with home insurance.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Know to Protect Your Musical Instrument at Home and More

Your search to know how to protect your musical instrument at home and more ends here. Many musicians do not spend much time protecting their instruments than playing them. They love their instruments but do not care much about taking musical instruments insurance separately. If you are among them, you need to take the right insurance and ways to protect your music instrument.

Music instruments are expensive, and they need proper care and protection to maintain their value and avoid theft. You may not be a musician to have expensive pianos, violins, and guitars, but one is interested in playing them. Still, you need to take insurance and keep it safe in the house while carrying it outdoors. It is because of not losing it to thieves who, without knowing the value of the musical instrument, sell it to make fast money. 

Without protecting the music instruments appropriately at home or outside, you cannot blame the police and others. Many do not know the value of old musical instruments that increase in value and claims with age. Hence, they do not take the theft or damage to such musical instruments seriously. So, check out the following ways to protect musical instruments from being safe at home and outside.

8 Ways to protect musical instruments at home and outdoors

1.    Increase security at home

Though many thieves do not know the value of the musical instruments, a few know it will make a perfect plan to steal. Hence it would help increase the security at home to protect the musical instrument. Having an alarm system, CCTV cameras, and other security arrangements will help. Also, lock all windows at home at night to prevent intruders from stealing the music instrument.

2.    Insure the music instrument exclusively

Do not get satisfied with the home insurance as it will get only a low-value claim amount for the stolen music instruments. Having customized musical instrument insurance will help you get an appraisal for your insurance claim.

3.    Clean the music instrument

Too much cleaning and less of it both will affect the value of the musical instrument. Though the value of a musical instrument increases, it only depends on its condition. Hence knowing the right way to clean the instrument and at the right time will help increase the claim amount to get in case of losing it or resale value.

4.    Control humidity at home

As various music instruments require different humidity levels, it is essential to maintain the correct humidity levels at home. Woodwind and metal wind instruments need a stable and low-humidity environment, and string instruments need high humidity during winter.

5.    Store the instrument in case

When not using the instrument, it is best to have it in a safe place, free from dust and other harmful elements. For many music instruments, it is best to store them in their cases when not in use. It keeps the instrument clean and avoids theft without knowing its actual value.

6.    Keep away from high temperature

It is advisable to keep the music instruments away from the air conditioners, heaters, and other temperature extremes as woodwind and string instruments are sensitive. And do not lean any musical instrument away from radiators because of the excess heat.

7.    Check them regularly

If not using the music instruments frequently and storing them in a safe place, you need to check them periodically. It helps to know of any damage because of uncontrolled humidity, temperature, severe weather conditions, natural disasters, and others to keep them safe.

8.    Essential to file a police complaint

If in adverse conditions of losing a musical instrument to thieves, it is essential to file a police complaint immediately. Also, it is essential to flag the issue on social media for more people to know about it. And to let the music instrument repairers, pawnshops, and local dealers know about the theft will help thieves exchange it for money.


Clarion Associates. Inc is the best music instrument insurance company to get high appraisals for your musical instruments for customized insurance and high claim amounts.