You have been a diehard fan of the piccolo, and finally, you have decided to invest in this woodwind instrument. Learning and playing the piccolo like a pro is not a cakewalk. It is not a Herculean task either. But it requires dedication and labor to play this incredible woodwind flawlessly. Isn’t it?
Also, buying a piccolo - online or offline - is a task in itself as there are tons of things to consider. You should know about the gear - how it works and how you should take care of it. Therefore, before buying this woodwind instrument, comprehensive research is crucial. Investing in a piccolo could be an expensive affair, after all.
Another thing you need to decide beforehand is - if you want to buy the gear and musical instrument insurance from an offline or online store. Told you! Buying a musical instrument takes effort. However, don't worry.
Here we have tried to make buying Piccolo Instrument easy for you. Read on!
Buying a piccolo: Understand your needs
Piccolo is half the size of a proper flute. Therefore, the modern piccolo is also called the baby flute. So, when it comes to buying this woodwind family member, know there are various types of piccolos. They differ depending on their make, size, material, and several other factors. The point here is to select a piccolo that suits your playing requirements - as an enthusiast or a professional musician.
Buy a dedicated Piccolo insurance plan or stick to home insurance?
You liked a suitable piccolo, and you bought it. Wow! Congratulations! Hang on, dear friend. It is not just that. There is more to it. And that more is - a dedicated musical instrument plan for the overall protection of your instrument. Yes, when deciding the budget for your Piccolo, you should include insurance coverage.
Wait! Are you planning to add your Piccolo to your home insurance plan? Well. You can always do that. Some people even purchase add-on plans on their home insurance policy to ensure maximum coverage for their musical instruments. You can also add your woodwind to your personal property coverage. However, do you know the shortcomings that will follow you after it? Yes, let's discuss it a little bit before moving further:
• Your home insurance plan may not provide adequate cover for your musical instruments.
• Your home insurance policy is unlikely to cover accidental damages.
• Your home insurance coverage may entertain claims for loss or damage outside your home.
• Your homeowner's protection plan will not cover shipping-related damage or loss.
• Your home insurance policy will not cover your gear for mishaps out of the country.
Now that you know the drawbacks of your home insurance in line with your musical instrument, you are wise enough to understand the worth of comprehensive musical instrument insurance policies.
Let's move on to how an independent Piccolo Insurance policy from a reliable insurance provider protects your gears in time of need.
Specialized musical instrument insurance: Your savior when bad luck kicks in
A separate insurance policy for your musical instruments means all-encompassing protection. The reason is - a dedicated plan covers your musical equipment and accessories against many scenarios that go uncovered otherwise - with insurance products like a homeowner's or renter's insurance plan. Let us take you through the features of instrument-specific insurance policies available with leading insurance providers you will benefit from:
• A comprehensive musical equipment insurance policy covers your gear against all possible risks, including fire, theft, flood, vandalism, accidental damage, and similar scenarios.
• With a suitable instrument-oriented insurance plan, you get coverage for the cost of repairs and assistance to buy new gear in place of the stolen, lost, or damaged one.
• Music gear protection plans cover you worldwide - no matter where you go.
With all these features in place, dedicated coverage for musical instruments is a musician’s best friend for life. So, get one before it's too late.