Have you bought oboe insurance? It is a must for every person who plays this instrument. But there are many artists who don't buy these kinds of insurance either due to lack of awareness, or they don't think it to be important. But like you buy auto insurance to protect your automobile and health insurance plans to deal with unforeseen medical complications, you need specialized insurance plans for your musical instruments. In this brief write-up we take a look at four different situations when your Oboe Insurance comes to your rescue.
- Your Instrument Is Damaged – This is one of the most common scenarios that any oboe player has to deal with as the instrument, owing to its build, is always at risk. The finger keys, the reed and octave keys are highly susceptible to damage if not handled carefully. Your insurance plan would take care of the repair costs if the instrument is damaged and save you from huge financial losses. Certain insurance plans also offer you the hiring costs for an instrument that would take care of your commitment when your instrument is undergoing repairs.
- You Lose the Instrument – Losing your beloved instrument can be a huge emotional setback and dealing with the financial burden can be catastrophic as you earn your livelihood playing the oboe. While you may take all precautionary measures to prevent loss but certain things are always beyond your control.Theft and misplacement are common occurrences these days since musicians are constantly travelling to perform. You can lose it during transit or when your instrument is accidently left unattended. A good insurance plan would offer you the replacement cost for a new instrument irrespective of the age and condition of your lost instrument.
- Liability Protection – While some liability claims can sound funny, as a musician you will have to deal with these. An injury to a fan during the event is enough for some liability claim to land on your door. The news of such claims can spread like wildfire on the Social Media and hurt your reputation severely apart from forcing you to pursue legal course of action or negotiations with the grieved party. When you buy an insurance plan they protect you against all these claims.
- Instructor's Insurance – If you earn your living by offering music lessons at home or your small studio you need adequate protection. As an instructor you need to keep in mind the risk involved in your profession. Your oboe or other equipment and accessories at the studio can get lost or damaged; a fire or any other mishap can extensively damage the studio and can land you up in liability claims and other financial constraints. This is where you need Music Instructors Insurance as these plans have been prepared specifically keeping the different risks associated with this in mind.
Your needs may vary and you must find a plan that addresses all your risks. You can also talk to an expert in case you aren't sure which plans to buy.
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