Monday, 26 April 2021

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Piccolo Insurance

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word insurance? A car, home, or health insurance. Right? No wonder these protection plans are crucial, and you should consider these as your priority. However, if you own a musical instrument, say a piccolo or any other woodwind instrument, one more insurance plan adds to your priority list. And that's a musical instrument insurance policy. Because when a musical gear-related disaster lands you in rough waters, no other plan will provide you with all-encompassing protection.

You might be thinking that your home insurance would be enough to cover all your belongings, including your Piccolo. Although this thought is true to some extent, you are least likely to get comprehensive coverage. Hence, a standalone Piccolo Insurance plan.

The music industry has its share of perils

Many musical instrument owners or even musicians think that their profession or their gears, to be precise, are immune to risks and uncertainties. They wonder what could go in the wrong way requiring insurance protection. Dear reader, there is no single but multiple things that could go wrong. And if such things happen and your woodwind is not covered under suitable insurance, then you might be at great risk of putting your finances, career, and mental peace at stake.

Top 5 reasons why musical instrument insurance plan is imperative

Here we have rounded up the top five reasons why you need an instrument-specific insurance plan. So, let's take a quick look at the pointers given below:

Theft reports are on the rise. Your gear insurance is a sigh of relief!

Just like miscreants can break into your home or steal your car, the cases of musical instrument theft are no less in number. You never know, someone can steal your piccolo from your car, an auditorium, or while it is being shipped. And if this happens, it is you who will have to pay both emotional as well as financial costs. Sad but true, that your home insurance might not be enough for it. However, when you have a dedicated insurance plan for your woodwind, you are in safe hands. Your insurance policy will look after it and compensate you accordingly.

Accidents can happen anytime!

Every musical instrument owner takes great care of their gears. However, despite all the care and maintenance measures you follow, accidents are inevitable. What if you accidentally dropped your piccolo, shattering it into pieces? Of course, it was not intentional but accidental. Your home insurance is least likely to take responsibility for such accidental damages. However, your Piccolo insurance will.

Stay prepared for the public liabilities

Whether you are a pro musician, a novice, or not a professional at all, when you own musical gear, it is your responsibility. Right? What if you get involved in a situation when someone else, a third party, is injured or suffered property damage due to your musical instrument or while you are performing? It is you who will have to compensate for the loss. Your home insurance is not related to public liability cases. And, if you don't have a standalone insurance plan for your gear, you will have to pay out of your pocket. And it goes without saying that medical bills and legal fees can dig a hole in your finances.

Get compensated for the loss of income

Sometimes, due to an unfortunate situation, say a lost gear or a damaged piccolo, you might have to go through a loss of income. However, if any such thing happens, your musical instrument insurance plan will compensate for the same until you resume.

Worldwide cover 

When you are a musician, you can get a call from anywhere in the world for performing. That's the charm of this profession. So, suppose you are on a world tour, and your gear is damaged or stolen. What would you do except for being worried and disheartened? Well, you can relax as your dedicated insurance plan will cover your gear all across the globe.

Hopefully, these five reasons are convincing enough to encourage you to buy an insurance plan for your Piccolo. Happy Playing!

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